Friday, September 18, 2009


The primary focus of this yoga is not on physical exercise, but is rather "yoga beyond the mat," focusing on meditation, mysticism, philosophy and psychology. Likewise, the focus on Judaism here is on the spirituality within Judaism, not the religion.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Angels of The Lost World

Adrian Schmidt works at NASA research center and he discovers somethings that he should not have, a discovery that will change the course of science, a discovery that will cause the murder of his mentor Dr. William Clark Bryce.

Adrian goes on the trail of the murderer from Pakistan to Tibet, to the Himalayas and to the holy city of Varanasi in India. He comes across a tribe in North Western Frontier Province of Pakistan who considers themselves as the true "Aryans", as the "Sons of Gods", and as the descendants of "Alexander the Great".

It is a conspiracy that engulfs his love, Maya and unravels the mysteries of Vedas, the myths about the Aryans and the Swastika, the mysteries of the Lost World - Mars.

Read More... Angels of The Lost World

Monday, February 23, 2009

Atom bigger then the Universe

Atom bigger then the Universe
"If you remove a part from infinity or add a part to infinity, still what remains is infinity" - The Isha Upanishad of the Yajurveda (c. 4th to 3rd century BC)

Is time continuous or discrete? Is there an end to the universe or a beginning to an atom? From infinity i.e. millions of microns of sub atomic particles to infinity i.e to millions of light years of the Universe there is no end or a beginning. Einstein's theory of relativity E=MC2 proves that matter can be converted to energy and vice verse. If matter is illusion then is time also an illusion? Time is the fourth dimension of space.

"The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion" - Albert Einstein.

Is God real?
If god exists, where does he exists? Does he look like us or he/it is formless. Human beings are the most beautiful creatures. Being intelligent does not mean beautiful. I love people who are beautiful and simple. If god is not like humans then is he not beautiful or there is a form more beautiful then humans? Who would it be?

Who are we?
From intelligent to insane what is the distinction? Are we real or a dream? Is present a reality or a dream? Are we all files stored in a massive super computer? Just like a paperback novel, our reality is our present. We are reading our own book, our life story. I wish we were not intelligent. Intelligence is boon or curse? If the ability to think beyond normal higher intelligence then what about the mentally retarded people who seems to be connected/communicating with some super natural people/power?

Astronomy Vs Astrology Vs Cosmology
Both science deals with positions of stars and planets. Astronomy works on the principles of modern science and explores things like origin of Universe, stars, galaxies, big bang theory, black holes, nebula and so on. Astrology though also works on mathematical formulas, it is used to predict the future based on planetary/stars. Astrology is an ancient has its roots in religions and ancient cultures from Chinese, Indian to Greek astrologers. Cosmology believes not only in both Astronomy and Astrology but way beyond. It considers the origin of life and matter both scientifically as well as spiritually.

Da Vinici
Leonardo Da Vinci was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, writer and a philosopher. In his lifetime, he created many masterpiece paintings like Monalisa, The Last Supper being the most famous. He studied the anatomy of human body in great details on one hand to designing a flying machine. Some of his architectural designs were implemented by governments hundreds of years later.
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